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Ministry of finance of Vietnam npl discussion with Baker Tilly
Ministry of finance of Vietnam npl discussion with Baker Tilly
On the 2nd of November, Baker Tilly (Thailand) welcomed the Vietnam Debt and Asset Trading Corporation (DATC) and Vietnamese Ministry of Finance (MoF) to share the experiences and techniques for the resolution of non-performing loans (NPL’s). Baker Tilly (NPL Specialists and widely regarded as the No 1 firm in this field in Thailand and in SE Asia), shared experiences in Financial Restructuring, NPL trading platform and the firm’s history.
The objectiveof the meeting was for both DATC and MOF to obtain knowledge and gather insight from the experiences of Baker Tilly (Thailand) in order to develop a legal framework and long term strategy for the expansion of their role as a state-owned asset management company through acceleration of NPL resolutions in Vietnam. The meeting which provided valuable insight, was initiated by the Japan International Corporation Agency (JICA) aspart of their Project for Enhancing Corporate Finance Management Capacity to Implement State-Owned Enterprises Restructuring. Mr. Takashi Sakakibara, Chief Advisor of JICA, thanked and expressed their appreciation for all the support received during the meeting. Baker Tilly (Thailand) has the enviable record of being the only successful Financial Advisor in Thailand with a 100% success rate for NPL portfolio sales.