
This website has been designed to be as accessible as possible to all users. It conforms to all Level A requirements of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines and the majority of Level AA and AAA requirements.

The following features improve navigation for screen-readers, keyboard navigation and users of text-only browsers.


Images are provided with meaningful ALT tags. Where an image is used for purely decorative purposes ALT tags with empty strings are used.


Navigation menus are marked up as HTML lists. This ensures that the number of links in the list is read out at the start and can be skipped easily if not required.

Structured HTML

H1 tags are used for main titles and H2 tags for subtitles. Where forms are used, all form controls are correctly labelled and placed in the correct position; form fields follow a logical tab sequence. Where tables are used, all rows and column headers are identified.

Use of JavaScript

All pages are usable when scripts, applets, or other programmatic objects are switched off or not supported.

Use of Colours

Foreground and background colour combinations provide sufficient contrast when viewed by users with colour blindness and related conditions.

Font/Text Sizes

The font size can be changed in all content areas, allowing users to make text larger or smaller depending on their requirements.

To change the size of the text in the most commonly used browsers:

  • Internet Explorer - select "View" from the top menu bar, select "Text size" and select the required font size
  • Netscape or Mozilla - select "View" from the top menu bar, select "Text zoom" or "Text size" and select the required font size.

Style Sheets

The Baker Tilly Myanmar website uses CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) to support all visual layouts. If your browser does not support CSS, the use of structured HTML ensures the content is still readable and the website is still usable.


Links are written to make sense out of context. A logical tab order is also used, although all links within a specific page open in a new window.