Baker Tilly specializes in its outsourced accounting services. Allowing companies to function efficiently and without administrative headaches.
Baker Tilly makes sure salaries are paid timely, without any hassles or convoluted systems slowing the process down.
Welcome to the college of Knowledge where Baker Tilly hosts internationally renowned speakers to keep up to date with key global trends such as blockchain technology, the human future of work, plus more. Click to view these thought-provoking 15-minute videos.
View TalksBaker Tilly Myanmar through its association with Baker Tilly Thailand has worked for some of the biggest companies and banks in Asia, advising on the sale of close to 2,500 million baht of npl's throughout the region
We pride ourselves in providing high quality audit & assurance, tax, and financial advisory services to multinational corporations, publicly listed corporations, organizations in the public sector, and small and medium size corporations, across all industries.
Part of our success has been the involvement of a Partner with every transaction. Clients can have direct access with a Partner at all times to discuss any issue that arises.